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Catalogue No. E4353hu
Size 96T
Alternative Names Tight junction protein 1;Tight junction protein ZO-1;TJP 1;TJP1;Zona occludens protein 1;Zonula occludens protein 1
Reactivity Human
Assay range 20-6000ng/L
Sensitivity 9.46ng/L


Catalogue No. E4353hu
Size 96T
Alternative Names Tight junction protein 1;Tight junction protein ZO-1;TJP 1;TJP1;Zona occludens protein 1;Zonula occludens protein 1
Reactivity Human
Assay range 20-6000ng/L
Sensitivity 9.46ng/L
Assay type Sandwich
Sample type Serum, plasma, cell culture supernates
Assay time 1h 30m
Background TJP1, TJP2, and TJP3 are closely related scaffolding proteins that link tight junction (TJ) transmembrane proteins such as claudins, junctional adhesion molecules, and occludin to the actin cytoskeleton (PubMed: 7798316, PubMed: 9792688). The tight junction acts to limit movement of substances through the paracellular space and as a boundary between the compositionally distinct apical and basolateral plasma membrane domains of epithelial and endothelial cells. Necessary for lumenogenesis, and particularly efficient epithelial polarization and barrier formation (By similarity). Plays a role in the regulation of cell migration by targeting CDC42BPB to the leading edge of migrating cells (PubMed: 21240187). Plays an important role in podosome formation and associated function, thus regulating cell adhesion and matrix remodeling (PubMed: 20930113). With TJP2 and TJP3, participates in the junctional retention and stability of the transcription factor DBPA, but is not involved in its shuttling to the nucleus (By similarity).
Research area Tags & Cell Markers
Target protein TJP1
Standard Curve
Note For Research Use Only



Components Quantity
Pre-coated ELISA Plate 12 * 8 well strips x1
Standard solution 0.5ml x1
Standard diluent 3ml x1
Streptavidin-HRP 6ml x1
Stop solution 6ml x1
Substrate solution A 6ml x1
Substrate solution B 6ml x1
Wash buffer concentrate (25x) 20ml x1
Biotinylated antibody 1ml x1

Protocol data

These standard curves of E4353hu are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed.

Concentration O.D. Average Corrected
3200ng/L 1.997 1.967 1.926
1600ng/L 1.04 0.983 0.942
800ng/L 0.603 0.551 0.51
400ng/L 0.243 0.193 0.152
200ng/L 0.083 0.099 0.058
0ng/L 0.044 0.041 0


We measured random samples of E4353hu within the same batch/lot to ensure the consistency of the kits’ performances.

Intra/Inter-Assay Sample n Mean Standard Deviation CV%
Intra-Assay 1 18 670.5 34.49 5.1
Intra-Assay 2 18 2254 52.88 2.3
Intra-Assay 3 18 1603.1 75.31 4.7


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